Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Ideas: An Introduction

Alas, my first real blog post. It's only ten years behind the times, but just like my acid washed jeans, and my favorite Slackers album, it's better late than never.

This blog is dedicated to my ideas - or get rich schemes - that may or may not be brilliant. I think i have a million dollar idea rolling around in my head, it's just a matter of getting it out. But not all are great, or even good, and as a dear friend once told me, "benko, that's a $10 idea." Which means i'd need a helluva lot of them to get my million.

My inspiration for sharing all these ideas came to me in the bathroom today. The lights at my office are those motion sensor automatic ones. As I stood there emptying my bladder i wondered if it was possible to be perfectly still and have the lights go out. How long would i have to remain frozen still? Is it possible? Do i have the patience? Has my life and job really brought me to this point?

That's besides the point. The long pose at the john really cleared the way for me to release more creativity into the world, so after nearly a year without a post, Benko's big idea begins.

(Attempt one at beating the motion sensor light: failure after 2:15)


Jenny said...

The fact that you're blogging qualifies as a $100 idea. I will wait breathlessly for your next installment...

Matt and Jesusa said...

Waiting out the lights is not so hard in a stall. If you don't want your face to come in contact with the piss splattered stall wall just bring in the local paper and rest your face against it while you catch Zs. Any more than 15 minutes until darkness and your employer is over paying their electric bill and they owe you a debt of gradutude for pointing it out.
